


We did end up adopting Sinclair on 1/20. At first he stayed in my
playpen so that he could become slowly acclimated to his new
environment (and so that Kitty wouldn't rip his head off). After a
couple of days, he was allowed to wander the upstairs, with a gate
separating him and Kitty. Finally, the gate was removed. Until two
days ago, I was being careful to confine him to the playpen if Dale
or I would be away - supervised visits only!

Well, figure THIS one out... I keep neglecting to take pictures in
favour of watching him myself (rather than via lens)... but anyway,
he's finally moved out of my room. We left him downstairs with Kitty
last night and they both survived. I fed them side-by-side and they
ate together, too! Then I had to remove the dish because Sinclair
left some food and Kitty finished hers and well, you know how SHE is...

Just a short while ago, Sinc was playing in a bag and Kitty comes
along and starts cuffing at him. My initial reaction was to rescue
him, but I held back because she didn't look malicious. She cuffed
again and I was about to protest as she closed in on him but she
licked him a few times instead!! Held him right down and lick, lick,
lick. Sinclair's head popped out from under her arm and he looked
like, "What the...?" Then she just upped and left. He went back to
playing... speaking of which, Kitty has seemed more playful lately.
Maybe she'll lose some of that weight. It's amazing - you hold
Sinclair in your lap for xx number of hours, and then he leaves and
Kitty gets up there, it's like OOMPH!!

So, methinks they're definitely good with each other. The morning
meowing has stopped, his litter box is downstairs with hers, he never
managed to hurt Sandy or anycritter else, and oh yeah... he LOVES
FOOD. So far I've discovered that he likes bread, mashed potatoes
and gravy, chicken (even with KFC spices on it, go figure), cooked
carrots (sorta), slim jims, pastrami, and mayonnaise.

He didn't get to try our Indian Food the other day, but he did like
the sampling of Allo Nan bread I gave him. The cat eats everything.
REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEALLLLLLLLLLLLLL cat!! Now, we simply have to train
him to stop sticking his nose in our mouths... LOL!!!!


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