

Epitome of Efficiency

I'm the epitome of efficiency. I'm in the process of cleaning up and
revamping my iMac, Shady. Last night I did two full bootable backups
to separate firewire disks. Then this morning I clean-installed
Leopard (I had Tiger). Currently I'm waiting for my user profile to
copy back over, which seems to take over three hours. Not surprising
since it insisted upon copying EVERYTHING related to my user profile -
including all the pictures, docs, etc. So, I decided I'd simply move
stuff off afterward, since I now can't move stuff on a backup do to
permissions (even though I created the same exact account name

Anywho, knowing it was going to be a while and I had stuff to do, I
opted to let it go while I did other things. So: I set Shady for
migration, then prepared to leave. I mailed something on my way out
the door, walked to the town office, paid water
bill, came up with video idea for a song whilst in the park for a few
minutes, returned home, showered, robed, called the vet, called about
getting a massage, and finally called this auto car starter dude.
Then I wrote much of all this to Dale at work, went and dressed, found
toast and tea, and am writing this now. I thought I had only ten
minutes left of the profile copy, but now it's doing the actual
documents and so it thinks it's 58 minutes now. Hmph.

Once done, I can set myself to do the REAL work, since I've done
everything else on my list for today. I should patent myself... in
the meantime, I'm going to go read since I have a stack of books to
either finish or start. I might go out on the porch for that, since
it's beautiful and breezy outside today and not hot at all. I was out
there playing in the sandbox while I waited for my toast and didn't
see one single skeeter, either.

Hm. Still at 58 minutes. It might be shorter than I think [i.e.,
it's really counting down but isn't displaying that, so suddenly it'll
just go POOF done]... or, something's wrong, or it has no concept of
time and it could be a few days. Oh well, off I go, then. Watched
pot never boils, as they say. LOL


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