

dumb me, part 2

I almost did another dumb today but my adult kicked in and reminded me
that I did enough damage to my ankle last night and that it wasn't yet
fully recovered.

First, I woke up this morning with a bit o' limp but nothing serious.
The black and blue was a little round bit of a thing despite a bit
more swelling, and the pain was insignificant so long as I was careful
not to twist or change the angle of things too much. But it was
certain able to bear weight.

So I went to work and hobbled around, somewhat embarrassed, and no one
asked, so I didn't tell them. Except for a couple people in one
department because I knew they'd likely ask eventually. Of course
their reaction to "Well, I was chasing Dale around the house--" was
quickly interrupted by snickers, tee-hees, and exclamations of, "Oh,
we don't need to know!!" ::growl:: "No, no, it's not like that," I
quickly tried to explain through the titters.

Anywho, I did manage to explain what REALLY happened, and was then
greeted with a description of a couple folks' trip and how they got
blisters from walking so much. I admit that their maladies were more
commendable since the trip was for WORK but MY malady was due to my
own stupidity so was therefore funny. I win that award, haha. (Why
am I congratulating myself on this again?)

Now the part where I wasn't quite dumb today is this. Dale asked if I
wanted to go for another walk this evening. I almost said yes but
quickly thought, "Uh, yeah, don't even think about it... remember the
ankle!!" I then argued briefly with myself: "But it's better, surely
walking will only help the stiffness!!" Adult again: "No." So I
said ruefully, "Ut uh. Ankle." "Oh yeah," says Dale.

Wednesday, however... muah hah hah... LOL


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