


In my excitement over figuring out my iPhoto problem, I neglected to
mention that Lisa, my rat, is safe and sound despite my stupidity.
Whenever I'm at my desk (often) I let her run around my desk, stealing
food if it's present. She's finally become quite content with this.
Last night was one of these nights. However, she was enjoying herself
so much that she had an extended run of the desk before finally
situating herself back in her tank. Meanwhile, it was nearing my
bedtime, and I began to doze off. I caught myself doing this and
ventured up to bed, completely forgetting that Lisa's tank was still
wide open.

I awoke this morning at 6am, still ruminating over the iPhoto issue,
when suddenly I saw her little face looking at me through my mind's
eye. I sat bolt upright, realizing that at that very moment it was
entirely possible that she'd ventured out during the night, one of the
cats heard her, and, my presence being elsewhere, she ended up
shishkabobbed on one of their claws. I began having unwelcome images
float through my head at what I might find on my way down the stairs.

Thankfully, the blessed little soul either stayed in her tank safely
tucked away in her sleeping box, or the cats are so accustomed to her
noises that they didn't realize the peril they could have put her in.

From now on, she has a curfew so when I hit mine she's not forgotten.


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