

Music class memory

When I was in 7th grade music class, I had to write a paper on a performer or band of my choice and then give a presentation on it.  I was TERRIFIED of standing up in front of the class.  Well, the presentations carried on for days because we had a lot of students, etc etc.  One of the guys had made a video tape of his presentation and made it look like a news commentary.  He did the rolling stones.  He was great!  I asked my music teacher if I could do an audio tape like that, because I didn't have TV equipment but I knew how to do audio stuff.  She said, sure, so long as I have the written paper to back it up.  So, the night before class, I wrote my paper (procrastinator that I am) and the next morning I got up at 5 to record it before school.

Everything went great.  Throughout the whole thing I dubbed the Chicago 17 album behind my voice as background music (since it was on Chicago).  I finally ended with, "Now, listen to this!" and You're The Inspiration faded in.  I let it finish while I walked away, singing along as I got ready for school.

I obviously didn't have time to listen to it but I was confident that it was fine.  The music teacher looked impressed at my research and quality... but then You're The Inspiration came on.  Suddenly the whole class froze as this horrible sound emanated from the speakers of the class tape deck.  I hid under my hands, colour draining from my face, as I realized what had happened.  The boom box I used to record with had a VERY sensitive microphone built into it, and the damned thing had picked up my voice as I had sung along.

Now, I know I say I can't sing now even though some people say I sound fine, while more musically-inclined folks can still tell that it's best I keep my day job because I could not sing my way out of a pop tart.  But let me explain something.  When I was that age, it was ten million times worse than it is now.  I was politely asked to leave chorus in sixth grade, the cat would run away, mom was always pleading with me to stop singing because I sounded like a sick cow.  I could never tell while I was doing it, but when I heard my singing on that tape, I thought OH MY GOD THAT IS HORRIBLE AND THE WHOLE CLASS IS LISTENING TO IT /RIGHT NOW/ AND OMG MY MUSIC TEACHER CAN HEAR THAT!!!

The look on the teacher's face was shock mixed with some cross of fear and pain.  After what seemed like forever, she slowly looked at me.  I took this as an immediate opportunity and said, "Uh, can I shut that off now?"  She replied, "Yes, please."  I got an A but the incident was never mentioned by anyone.  I think they all preferred to simply forget it.

I didn't record myself singing again until ten years or so ago.

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