

Fun, fun!!

Had some great visiting time with Mum last week, and a great vacation to boot. Came back mildly burned, and very happy. Friday was Dale's birthday, so we celebrated out at Fire and Ice (which we'd both heard about but never been to). It was really, really, really good. We have discussed it at short length and decided that it might just be a Peavine replacement (Peavine closed this past year, much to our chagrin).

Tonight we played frisbee (or disc) golf in Pittsford. Well, Dale and friends did, I just watched and offered words of encouragement, which I thought seemed more fun for me. I was smart and remembered to bring the DEET, which I sprayed liberally upon my person as soon as the bugs thought they'd found me. Then I stood back and watched with jubilance as they all bumped into each other, going, "What the...?! Where'd she go? I SWEAR she was right here!! You go that way, I'll go this way..." And they kept flying and buzzing around in circles, getting high on DEET fumes and floating around in a tizzy.

No wait. I was the one getting high on DEET fumes. I'm surprised I didn't pass out. That stuff is particularly strong in an enclosed place such as the cabin of a small car. Egads. I got home and immediately showered the nasty stuff right off me and into our water supply. Yeah, much better off having it there. Probably create some X-Men Mutants, but at least it wasn't giving ME a new esophagus. Then again, I suppose when I go swimming I could have used it as a breathing tube... oh, well. I'm sure there'll be more of an opportunity to sprout a breathing tube. I still have 80% of the bottle left.

Speaking of X-Men, we saw that movie just last night with a bunch of friends. It was really good. I miss the DND guys so it was good to hang out even if only for a few minutes, and of course Jen was there and Dale came, too, which made it particularly special, considering he wasn't sure he'd like X-Men being that it's one of those comic movies with superheroes in it. Plus, it was one heck of an awesome movie and I loved some of the references! Dale thought it was really good, too. Made me feel kinda geeky again. Things have changed for the better these past few years, but I've definitely slowed down and become more collected, and less into the excitement of technology. Of course, I /do/ still like to show off a little bit when I have Windows and Knoppix and about 95% of my gazillion apps open on my macbook all at once... but barring that, I'm really not that excitable at all!! Really!! Not even when it comes to the really exciting part of decoding perl script without even knowing the language inside and out... or feeling my eyes glisten with glee as I explained to the new guy at work today about what a couple of my happy little batch files do for us... or learning about this command "touch -t" that lets me very easily change the date and times on files... or...

Okay, I might still be slightly geeky...

Anywho, not much else new other than the freshly sliced bread on my plate. Thanks, Dale!! Methinks I'm going to go get my laundry out of the dryer, do a wee bit of drawing, and then head to bed. 'Night, all...


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