

ill diet

I am finding this interesting. Yesterday, I was too tired to consider making much of anything for myself to eat. I eventually got up and heated some soup, which Dale had graciously left a can of in a clean pot alongside another pot with a different kind of canned soup in it. I chose my childhood favourite, Campbell's, which I watered down a bit to boot. I saved the noodle half for today's soup. I also snagged some leftover rice pudding with a dollop of whipped cream and dumped cinnamon all over it. Otherwise, all I really had all day was crunchy noodles and a glass of water which Dale refilled when he got home. I know I did not consume enough food or liquid yesterday, but se la vie.

Today, I had four slices of toast, the remainder of the soup, a glass of water, three cups of tea, and three helpings of flattened rice with spices dumped in. Oh, and more rice pudding, though I forgot about the cinnamon, which is now calling my name. I find these cravings interesting because I just began sweating a short while ago, which somehow felt really good even though I typically don't sweat much even in the summer, and realised that garlic and cayenne promote sweating. I still haven't figured out why I'm craving cinnamon but I've no doubt I'll be consuming it - for some intuitive reason - soon.

The human body is an amazing thing and I am wholly convinced that it knows what it needs at times, probably more often than I pay attention to, and I think I pay attention more than most people these days. I don't know if asafoetida, curry powder, turmeric, or cumin have any positive effects on cold/flu bugs, but whenever I get the craving for this rice glop stuff I've been making as of late, I very much want those spices in the mix with the cayenne and garlic. Perhaps it's just for added flavour? I'll need to look those guys up and see what they do for a person's body. I won't be surprised if my body is welcoming them on purpose right now.

Ginger - I almost added that this round but ate a piece instead while cooking. The hot flavour was nice considering I couldn't taste much yesterday. That could be another reason for the desire of spice. I recall a friend stating that when he's sick, he likes to consume hot, spicy foods so he can actually TASTE something. He also said it cuts through mucous (true). Anywho, ginger is another item that promotes circulation at least. I suspect I need it, as well.


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