


Yanno, it's funny how sometimes I'll stumble across a song, really like it, and never really look into the artist.  Today's example is the song Autonomous by Informatik, which I've had for at least the last seven years.  I remember having it at the apartment Dale and I shared because I'd take walks and it was a great walking song.  The funny thing is that I do NOT recall when I first heard it or how I stumbled across it, but I do know that I purchased it from iTunes in 2006.

So, I ran across it in my collection yesterday and thought, ooh!  So I had another listen and thought, "Gee, what else has Informatik done, anyway?"  Turns out, quite a lot.  I've got some iTunes credit so I ended up buying three albums and a used CD from Amazon.

It's interesting music, considered electronic... To me, the vocals go back and forth between obviously manipulated into sounding creepy or evil and a sort of bass - you know the Mmm Mmm guy on Crash Test Dummies?  A bit higher than that, I think.  It's strangely emotional.  I've poked at the lyrics, too, and many of them are actually pretty good - it's not all cookie-cutter anger or bad-love.  In fact, many are quite insightful, even if not beautifully poetic.  Simple, straightforward, poignant.  The music itself is, well, electronic.  Much is repetitive as all electronic music should be on the surface.  But like good electronic music, it has little samples and bridges here and there that keep it interesting.

I would call this a cross between the band Pulp and three genres:  Techno, rock, and heavy metal.  It's a very refreshing combination.

Some other thoughts for today:
Why does electronic music make my brain feel all weird and focused?

I may have lots of "mommy" issues (just look back in my posts, you'll surely find something to illustrate this) but recently I came to realize that I'm one heck of a lucky person to have a mother like I had.  I also recognize that she is who she is.  I feel that a recent funeral a few weeks ago may have had a much stronger affect on me and expedited these realizations.  I know they were already arriving on their own but it's like this huge blanket was lifted off me that day.  It also feels like my emotions have been rekindled, and I can feel again... not that I wasn't feeling before, but it used to be that I had overflowing emotions that required artistic and written outlets, and since becoming so content, I just feel tired all the time.  I feel awake for the first time in a while, writing a bit, thinking, mulling things over, drawing, playing music, enjoying music.  I feel the love I have for Mum, I feel the love I have for Dale far more than usual, I feel the joy and love in his family, and I feel empathy for people again.  In some ways, it's almost painful, but it's a good kind of pain.  It almost feels like a switch was flipped or a dam was broken, but without all the fearful tears of my past.

Anywho, off to neaten my den... that's the other thing, I am in an organization sort of mood... but I think that's only because of my listening to Informatik.  It's that kind of music that brings me into this mode.  It's a good thing... I desperately need exercise and have not been good about doing it without inspiration.  Now I have that.  Hopefully it sticks around...



St George's Bay

The title doesn't really mean much.  It's just a lyric that Martin Page mentions in "Put On Your Red Dress."  I'm listening to this right now and looking at Gizmodo, right into his eyes, and realizing once again how very lucky I am.  Not only do I have a super-special group of critters, but I've got Dale in my life, awesome colleagues, awesome family, and awesome friends.  I'm also not oblivious to the fact that I've had some friends in the past who were instrumental in my success today, whether they're still around me now or not.

I've also found that the majority of music is sorely lacking in many things… lyrics seldom have much meaning, most importantly.  I can't help but like things like Ace of Base's Golden Ratio with is wonderful energy and raspy vocals, but in truth, the lyrics are shy of decent.  It becomes very evident to me just how bad some stuff is when I listen to the wonderful likes Richard Marx, Arlo Guthrie, Weird Al, and earlier Chicago.  Yeah, I know, I put Weird Al in there… how can I compare him to the likes of Arlo Guthrie, who tells a wonderful story?  Well, I look for artists, not just story tellers.  Weird Al is definitely a good parodist, nobody can deny that, methinks.  Anywho, this caliber of music is just really hard to find.  It's helpful in some ways because it helps me get to know the artists I really like or love, and ignore the rest.  Lets me memorize songs and sing along.  On the other hand, there are a few good ones that come out of hiding from time to time.  Yay!  And nothing can beat the revved up techno remixes of my favourites.  Not as good as the originals, I know, but egads, when you're looking for a good dance move, you've gotta go with something.

Off to drink my Irish Breakfast tea now.  :)

Happy Harmonies,
