


An ipad painting I did the other day using an app called Doodle Buddy.  In other news, WHEEEE!!!  :)  I love mornings where I feel awesome and then realize I'm listening to a sad song and feel uplifted by it.  This one is Richard Marx's "Hazard" and I just heard the part where he sings, "I think about my life gone by and how it's done me wrong.  There's no escape for me this time, all of my rescues are gone."  And here I am thinking, "WHEEEEE!!!  MORNINNGGGGGG!!!"  lol


inheritance - parodies

I have inherited some cool things from my mom. Parodies, and an appreciation of them, are one of those things.

This morning I'm wandering around and realized that I had "My Way" stuck in my head. So I began singing it and it came out thusly:

And now, the tea is near, and so I'll drink another cupful. My friend, I'll drink it here, I'm on the porch, the ground outside is only hopeful. I'll drink a cup that's full, I'll drink on each and every highway… but more, much more than this, I'll drink it my way.

Thus starts the morning tea ritual. I sing new parodies every day and Dale used to sit there going, "How do you DO that?" but he's used to it now.

Earlier this morning he threw his socks down the stairs as usual and each time he does this I try to come up with a new and creative way to kick them on "his" side and out of "my" side of the landing. I had nothing this morning. Then as I got to them, ready to simply toss them over, inspiration struck. I turned into a robot and robotically picked them up, dropped them on my side, robotically scratched my head, picked them back up, made my way, slowly, onto the landing, then dropped them over the edge on his side. I made a robotic nod and then robotically walked to my chair and sat down.



POEM: The View From My Window v2

In high school (or was it junior high?), I wrote the following as an English assignment asking us to write about the view from our window.  I only remember parts of it, so some of it is missing, but you get the gist of its meaning, perhaps.

I look out my window
And what do I see?
Papers and trash
Blowing 'round a tree.

Sometimes I wonder
If there'll ever be
A peaceful day
In this city.


So I looked out my window
And what did I see?
Papers and trash
Blowing 'round a tree.

-- Today I was sitting here with my tea and the poem returned to my mind unbidden, as I sat there admiring the view from my window.  I have since moved on from my teenage years and found far more peace than I ever dreamed possible.  So I decided to jot down this morning's thoughts:

I look out my window
And what do I see?
A barn, trees and grass
O'er a nice cuppa tea.

Sometimes I still wonder
If there'll ever be
Just one peaceful day
In my old city.

There's crime and there's violence
At the schools, 'neath the trees
Our children are dying
But... some are finding their dreams.

So I looked out my window
O'er a nice cuppa tea
A barn, trees and grass
And a sad memory.



I just had a thought.

As I finished drawing and writing in cards for my mother-in-law recently (mother's day and birthday), I sat back and looked at my artwork happily.  Then I heard my mother's voice.  "You always put too much in cards and make them look messy," she said.

For the first time in my life, however, I didn't feel bad about it.  Instead, I said somewhat defiantly, "Mary will like it."  Then I felt happy again.
