

On Being Human

Many of my colleagues have been awesome over the years, but they take
the cake when I do something incredibly stupid and get a snicker with
"happens to the best of us." It takes a very sad human to put you down
because /they're/ human, a normal human to put you down because
/you're/ human, and a very special human to point out we're all /only/

It is very easy to remain bitter about how others treat you, and very
hard to move on. It doesn't mean you can't move on, though, it just
means that the longer you hold yourself back, the longer you remain
miserable and angry and keep hurting other people, even those you love

I used to think that forgiving someone and accepting them for who they
are was the same as constantly reminding yourself of this whenever
they gave you the same old shit. This is apparently wrong. You
forgive, you accept them as they are, and you move on, becoming more
of who you are yourself. No matter how much you love someone, you
can't love them fully by allowing them to walk all over you and put
you down. It is impossible.

You can dangle the carrot, but the horse has gotta want it or it'll
just rot off the stick.


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