


A friend of mine handed me a Derwent Sketching set one day last year and I said, huh, haven't used charcoal in a very long time (i.e., not since high school art class made me and I thought this stuff is messy, screw dat give me paint).

Well, I couldn't say no to such a beautiful set and ended up loving it.  Doodlesketchaintingours has become my latest obsession.  Since that day, I've not only played with charcoal and graphite.  Oh, no.  I've also discovered oil pastels, watercolour, different paper types, watercolour pencils (metallic and more normal like), waterbrushes, metallic markers, tombow dual-tip brush markers, and.. get this.. erasers.  Did you know different erasers do different things?  I didn't, either.  I do now.  And I also discovered this lady here:
(Kirsty Partridge)

There is something very magical about just applying pigment and watching it come to life.  I have no idea how it happens, but it does.  The other day I walked into Michael's (bad place for me to go) to get a specific black Tombow marker.  I ended up with Derwent watercolour pencils, a waterbrush, and a much-desired (and needed?) mixed media sketchbook that actually opens flat but keeps everything together.  So I ended up with this dock/sky/water/shore/rocks picture straightaway.  These pencils are awesome.  You sketch it all in, shade it to your heart's content, and then apply a waterbrush to blend the strokes all together.  It makes some pretty cool stuff.  At any rate, it's my friend's fault.  I've been into art stuff for some time on a lower level, but now that I've found the higher-quality art supplies... I've been spoiled.  Now I'm actually /interested/.  Not good.  I had enough hobbies.  Didn't I?!?!


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