

Tea Cup Eulogy

Gracie passed away in her sleep sometime today after I left for
work. I knew it was coming soon despite the vet's reassurances, but
I did not expect it to hit me as hard as it has. Grief is funny that
way. Gracie was at least three years old and I suspect she lived
pretty well into old age. Mercy died nearly a year ago so I feel
blessed that her sister hung around a while longer.

Attached are my favourite two shots of my little ratty foodsnatcher.
I will always remember her as the youthful, sweet, shy, hungry
critter she always was. She didn't like my hands when they picked
her up, but I know she appreciated them when they offered something
new to eat. It has been difficult to watch her grow old; her eyes
never showed any pain and were always bright, curious, and eager. It
was as if her body and her were two separate entities in the end and
she finally split off from the limitations so she could hunt down her
own tea and cookies.

Tea Cup Eulogy
in memory of a beloved food-snatching rat

Life is like a day
So quickly does it pass us by
At first it seems so very long
And then it ends and we're surprised

I knew your time was very near
I knew one day you'd not be here
I blinked just once and you were gone
You leave us here to carry on

But I have memories, pictures too
Of all the reasons I love you
I only pray my memory stays
So that yours will never fade

I still see you drinking tea
Stealing food in front of me
Hiding morsels in your stash
Though I'd throw them in the trash

And when you slept you were serene
You ate it all and stayed so lean
I'll miss your hands and twitching nose
And the eyes which sparkled so

God, I know that You know best
And I know she wanted rest
Lift this burden off of me
And please make sure she gets her tea.

Preferably Earl Grey if you have it.

I'll miss you, Gracie. You are indeed a wondrous soul.

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