


I'm noticing that I'm eating healthier and tastier foods lately.
Perhaps it's because we were on the road eating fast food and snacks
for three weeks. Anywho, for lunches at work, I've been having
chicken with rice and veggies, one of my favourite me-made dishes.
For dinner tonight, Dale and I had some of his mom's green bean and
egg gravy (yes, you heard right - it's very good, too) on mashed
potatoes with a buttered piece of sourdough bread... and lemon pepper


I finished off a little baggie of blueberries and raspberries for
dessert after downing a cup of chocolate milk.

Really yum.



back to work, back to life

This will be my fourth day of work since coming back.  Ten hour days, mind you.  I came back during one of THOSE weeks, which is preferable to coming back when I have to work at 6am Sunday after waking up at 9am every day for weeks.

Got a headset for my phone at work.  Wow.  I can actually hear callers!  The muffs block out all the superfluous, distracting noise and I can completely ignore my coworkers until I'm done listening to the woes of the user.  It's awesome.  I've found that they even help block out some noise when I'm not on the phone, so I'm trying to get into the habit of leaving them on with the mic up.  I put the mic up so I can feel safe training my coworkers that if it's up, I'm not on the phone and they can approach me without hesitation.  I figure that way, they'll learn to pause themselves if they see it's down.  Not that it'll help with people who call to me over the monitors, but I think it will help some.  I don't want people thinking I leave these on all the time just to make them think I'm on the phone so they'll leave me alone.  It's just so nice to be able to concentrate some!!

Lost my work cell phone, though.  Trying to figure out what happened to it.  I'm 95% certain I left it at work prior to vacation.  I've stopped turning things upside down looking for it.  After the third search, I figure I'm not insane enough to hide it on myself THAT well, and there must have been some third party intereference.  

I hope to attend a class through work... kept bugging my boss about it and he'd told me I could go once I finished this database to his satisfaction.  I did shortly before I left and wrote him an email, in a sort of BASIC code.  Something like, "DB = COMPLETE.  IF DB = COMPLETE, GOTO VB.NET."  He responded sorta like this and copied our "trainer" on it:  "IF DB = COMPLETE THEN GOTO TRAINER."  The trainer then wrote back to us and said something along the lines of "IF TRAINER HAS INFO THEN GOTO CLASS."  So I found all the class info again and resent it to both of them two days ago.  It's pretty scary when people respond to me in my own language, especially my own boss and someone as no-nonsense as the trainer person.  I almost fell out of my chair laughing when I read their responses. is coming along nicely.  I added a few pages and they look niiiiiiice (IMHO anyway).  LTF folks seem to like them, too.  RapidWeaver ROCKS.  Best website software I ever used.  I thought it would make me code-stupid but I'm actually learning more code and hanging onto a lot of what I already knew.  Go figure.  I get lazier and end up learning more...

Just got the two books I ordered from  They look like slighter-larger-than-usual paperbacks (height mainly).  Not the typical paperbacks I'd expected, but not far from expectations, either.  Nice, though Scott (authour friend who wrote them) didn't do his cover well on the first one and it's grainy.  Obviously blown up to fit the cover (very bad from a computer image perspective).  He fixed it for the second one.  I'll remember not to make his mistake(s) if/when I do one.  Inside, they're much like standard books.  Can't wait to read them, I like his writing.  In case I've not mentioned him yet, his name is Scott Harper.  His site is should any of my readers be interested.  The two books I just got are Winter's Rite and Well Wishes.  He also just released Gauntlet.

Well, off to finish updating ltfvt, and then off to work...



search in mail

Okay, this makes the third time in a ROW that the search function in
Mail actually worked without me having to repair permissions on the
drive. I won't ever pretend to understand Shady 100% - he is a
computer after all - but I have hope that perhaps he's fixed whatever
glitch was causing his obstinance.

In other news, I just updated, and's little
quirk from last night is now fixed - and the site is also a bit
updated with new photos!! :)



talent... or lack thereof

Just did this last night... I'm not exactly that great at music, but I have been pushing the issue a long time, so I'm proud of this one even if it's best classified as rap... there are a few flavours of rap so I'll just tell myself it's amongst the better flavours... LOL  (Hm.  Funny thing is... you ever hear that some people hate what describes them?  I've always hated rap, yet it's the only "music" I've actually got an inkling of ability for, and I only recently acknowledged that I like SOME rap - chiefly Eminem.  Maybe accepting that has allowed me to pursue it myself.  Ugh... LOL)

Guess I am somewhat multi-talented... I think "versatile" is more the word.  I can't say I'm awesome at any one thing (other than spotting spelling errors a mile away and intuiting code pretty easily once immersed)... but I do have a myriad of abilities when I find some sort of interest to pour them into.

Like last night... I SUCK at music, yet on our way home, I wrote a jumbled outpouring of words in a notebook, and thought I might put them to song somehow - eventually.  Then I'm sitting here listening to music and I get... inspired!!  I whipped open GarageBand and intuitively found a beat that happened to be perfect even though I didn't know that fully at the time.  For a few minutes I stumbled over the rhythm of the words, trying to force them into the beat; then I simply tore them apart and reworded them into a rapping type of prose.

A few imperfections and happenstances lent me ideas and I left some in there as part of the song, tweaking as necessary to make it flow together passingly.  In under four hours, the whole thing had been recorded and converted to mp3.

I could have spent five years on that and it wouldn't have been as good as the inspired version of it was.  I don't even know why the Muses sent inspiration my way at that moment in time.  I never do.  But when inspiration strikes, boy, does it strike, and effortlessly, too.

Seems to me that it built up, too... prior to writing the poem on our way home, I'd been drawing in that notebook, just lined paper and blue liquid sketching across the pages.  The two drawings I did were actually pretty good considering I had no eraser, didn't care, wasn't trying very hard and yet still had some idea of what I wanted to illustrate.  It was one of those "decisions" that I feel click into place and don't question.  They are the most interesting pieces of my life.

And today, I didn't eat much at all, forcing down a bowl of Cream of Wheat just for sustenance as I worked on my websites, backups, and pictures, catching up on my computer requirements.  Then I realized I was shaking from the abuse so I begrudgingly went downstairs to find food.  I got sidetracked by organizing and cleaning out the pantry, and in the process, saw the rice sitting there on the shelf.  That reminded me that I'd wanted rice and veggies and chicken just last night but we'd had pizza instead, and I'd raised no objections because I didn't feel like cooking.  The cooking bug hit me.  So I made a huge pot of rice, a smaller one of lentils, and whipped out a frying pan for the veggies and chicken strips.

WOW is this stuff good!!  It's a cross between Chinese fried rice, spicy Indian lentils, and Mexican omelettes without the eggs.  And, as usual, I wasn't trying that hard.  I just grabbed whatever I felt like throwing in.  I don't think I've ever tired of this particular dish.  Probably because I can't make it the exact same way twice.  I've always got some slight variation up my sleeve and it keeps me (and my tastebuds) interested.  I just love the flavours of the vittles within, and the rice takes on these flavours in such wondrous ways.  Hard to do it without the meat, though.  Doesn't take much of it but it seems to be as necessary as the rice and the spices.

If all of life was this easy, we'd all be nervous some sort of doom was approaching!



storage solution

I think I've just found the answer to my storage problem, without
having to purchase any new hard drives right away.

* I've got a 220GB drive on Shady, and am currently down to 12GB
available. (AIEEEEE!! That BYTES!!)
* There's a fairly empty drive 200GB+ drive on Raven.
* Raven isn't used much anymore.
* Raven DOES have a firewire port.
* I just discovered firewire networking...

Hehheh... yep, Dale saw me copying off the external hard drive and I
told him I'd finished with it, but still had more on the laptop
because I'd not backed up the past week or so yet. He says, "Why not
just connect the laptop to Shady via Firewire?" Why? WHY?? Because
-- I -- didn't think of that... So I just taught myself how to do
it. It's SO easy on the macs, I'm hoping it'll be somewhat similar
to do in Windows XP... and it's definitely faster than ethernet,
wireless, and even transferring from disk to disk to disk. YAY!!

And macs are THE awesomest... the fact they can talk to pc's is even
cooler!! Best of both worlds, I say...


picture counts

Dale has informed me of his picture count for the trip, which is
fairly accurate since he hasn't deleted anything yet like I had.
I've ascertained a pretty good guess as to my count, too, though -
based on the camera's numbering system and a little bit of logical
deduction and simple arithmetic. It should be pretty accurate.

Without further ado, our totals (it will be interesting to see
exactly how many shots we end up KEEPING):
Dale - 9,270 photos
Whit - 9,550 photos

I did take around 300 photos at the Arches and vicinity (during
Dale's camera woes), so it appears that Dale and I take the same
number of pictures on average. Freaky, huh?


Return from trip

Hallelujah, we're back!!

Found meade at the Mall of America, too, so Dale and I sampled it last night.  It's quite good, I'll be buying more from a site I found it at.  Now that I know the brand I like, it was easy to find an online distributor here in the US.  It's imported from Ireland, surprise surprise... gotta love authentic stuff.

Trip went well, and we had WAY too perfect weather - about 15 minutes of actual rain in three weeks, and 14 minutes of it was at Mount Rushmore in South Dakota.  Gah!  I LOVE rain.  Guess what it did a couple hours after we arrived home?  Yes, it rained.  FINALLY some REAL RAIN!!  I went out and danced in it briefly before shivering from cold and coming to my [adult?] senses.  Apparently we missed some heat wave by a couple days, too... that's okay with me though.  I can certainly do without a heat wave, especially a humid one.  Just rain on me.

Dale got sick the day after we sought the top of Pike's Peak, but we think it was viral now.  He had two IV bags of fluid pumped into him at the ER and felt better immediately although he slept a lot over the following day or two.  Some stomach thing.  We think it was viral because just a few days ago I had a few of his symptoms (thankfully lacking the stomach portion).  I got over it in a couple days, on my own, thankfully.

For those of you not keeping up with the blogs/pictures at, we saw the Grand Canyon (wow), the Phoenix area (including Sedona), lots of cactus, deserts, prairies, and wildlife, LOTS of buffalo (mostly in Wyoming), LOTS of antelope (that song weren't kiddin'), no deer (song lied about that), prairie dogs, Devil's Tower (yep we had a third encounter), Seven Falls, Yellowstone, Mall of America, some stadium Dale could tell you about, Mt Rushmore, the marker for the 90 degree Meridian, a Green Giant figure 55 feet high, White Castle fast food restaurants (Stan and Rick will be cringing at me now), and oh yeah, most recently - Niagara Falls.  I think Grand Canyon and Niagara are the more breathtaking treasures we have in this world, but I was also quite taken by an acorn weevil on the sandy beach of Lake Erie the other day, so...

We didn't go into Canada as planned because we were both too chicken given the gazillion things we had in the SUV by that time (I'm sure customs is quite efficient really), but eventually we will go back to Niagara on the Canadian side.  We stayed in a U.S. hotel this time around instead and enjoyed a jacuzzi for the second time in our hotel history.  (Weird, those are, but enjoyable now and again.)  Our worst hotel in the way of amenities was $35 (with tax) outside of Toledo, OH.  It had painted white bricks as walls, a sink that backed up when run for ~1 minute, and some... interesting wires... anywho, the worst in the way of service had to have been a $50ish one in or near Colorado; they had a 10am checkout time which was not posted anywhere nor announced, the neighbours were very noisy all night, and housekeeping very rudely asked 10 minutes before 10 when we were leaving 'cause they wanted to clean up after us.  (And that was the morning after Dale came down with the bug.  He did NOT feel that good being rushed.)  Our best hotel was the one last night in Niagara Falls, NY (we could fit at least eight of the crappy hotel rooms into that one room!), and runners up were the Sands in Boulder City, Nevada; ABC in Gunnison, CO; and one from last week that also featured a larger jacuzzi.  Forget where that was, it'll be in the blog I reckon.

Total miles driven were around 6,000.  Haven't totalled what we spent on gas but it was around 20-26 miles per gallon and prices seemed to hover around $3/gallon, give or take 20 cents depending on whether we were just off the highway or in the middle of a town.  We ate lots of fast food, hit a couple nicer places, and snacked on nonperishables from the grocery store.  I might be wrong, but I think we were well under my guesstimate for costs.  Of course we enjoyed a few continental breakfasts, too, courtesy of the various hotels that offered them.

I wrote a sort of a poem on our way to Albany, I want to sculpt it a bit as it's probably the roughest poem I ever wrote - some song inspired it, and the words just spilled out.  Heck, maybe I'll just leave it be for now and fix it later when I decide to futz with a melody for it in my head.  By rough I mean ROUGH... will post it here soonish.

Currently trying to get pictures copied from White Castle to Shady - yes, Dale named the laptop finally during our last hotel stay.  White Castle is sooooooo appropriate, too.

The worst thing that happened in the last three weeks is the death of Guinevere.  She passed away sometime at the bottom of the lizard tank, not sure why.  She had a mouth ailment that I could never seem to clear up (not mouth rot according to the dr) so maybe it was calcium deficiency after all despite my attempts to fix the problem.  Dunno if there was more I could/should have done but I'm not going there, what's done is done and she lived to be two years old.  Anoles only live 2-3 years naturally anyway.  Which means Lancelot might be on his way out, too, although he seems perfectly healthy right now.  He's closer to 3.  Sigh.

Despite the loss, though, and having been immensely homesick for the past solid week, even dreaming about green mountains and rain and clouds and REAL GRASS instead of that weird prairie stuff they've got out in Ohio (or worse, fields of nothing but sand, scraggly bushes, and cactus plants/trees)... I do believe we've had a very positive experience, one that will last a lifetime.  The U.S. is full of interesting explorations, but the best part I think about our trip is that I've come to really, REALLY, appreciate New England for all its ups and downs.  From the steady monotony of desert and rocks in Arizona to the prarie-ladden horizons of the Midwest, I've found that I love nothing more than the steady pitter-patter of raindrops falling upon the mountains all around us late at night.  We were filled in wonder over being able to see lands as far as horizon, but I kinda like wondering what's over the next hump.  Keeps me on my toes.  Flat roads are good for driving fast but they become boring pretty quick; even the beauty of the rolling clouds spread across the landscape can't hold my interest longer than an hour.

Yes, New England is still my home, in heart, mind, and spirit.



Yeah, back from the trip and already window shopping with virtual money I don't even know if I have yet.  The above is a link to an MP3 player that's piqued my interest.  If my readers have any sentiments about Blaupunkt/Crutchfield, I'd like to know some opinions while I research.  Dante will be paid off in two years or so.  If I doubled his payments I could even get that down to one.  Might just do that, and save a bit on the side for some, uh, upgrades.  It'll be SO nice to OWN that truck.  Next car I buy will be saved for and NOT finance for five years, but until then, Dante comes first.  Gotta pay Dale for my newest camera, though... his died during our trip so he bought a new one at a Best Buy out there somewheres, I think it was Boulder City, NV or thereabouts.  As he spoke to the clerk there,  I was looking over the S3 (I had/have the S2, which was acting fluky and scaring me).  The clerk saw my interest and listened to my concerns; I'd been thinking of going even higher but not right away, still, my camera was scaring me, but I was just not ready to leap yet, but then, it would be such a waste to get another S2 (or S3) if I /did/ make a leap in the next year.  

Erick - MAN that guy needs to get a raise, he should be employee of the year! - suggested that I buy the S3, refrain from opening it, and then return it in 14 days if my camera lived.  If it didn't, I'd have an insurance policy and could own the S3.  Yeah!!  A Best Buy employee telling a customer to do such a thing!!  Not that it's immoral or anything, but I wouldn't expect an employee to actually suggest that in this day and age.  They live to sell, not promote returns.  Usually.

The dude seemed to know his sh** so since Dale was done with him for the time being, I went off on a rave about the S2 but how there were still certain things I didn't like about it that should have been improved.  His eyes go off into space for a second and he's like, "Hey, wait a second... I think we might have some S5's... I swear I saw them earlier this afternoon - they just came in!"  So I'm like, "What?!  But the S3 just came out!!  And what about the S4?!"  "I know!!  That's what /I/ said when I saw them!!"  Off he goes, returns with an S5... opens the package, thanking Canon out loud for having the kind of boxes they have (so it doesn't look like it was opened if you replace contents)... finds some batteries somewheres and a card, and hands it to me to play with!!  I'm like, "You won't get in trouble for this?"  "Nah... check that out - bigger display, etcetcetc" I'm like, "WHOA!!  They listened to their customers and fixed some of the things I thought should be better!!"  "Yeah!!"  So he and Dale and I spent a good 10 minutes taking pictures in the store and getting all excited and then I said, "Hmm... can you sell THIS to me??  I won't be returning it though..."  So he checked into things (it wasn't on shelves yet) and came back smiling.

Some salesman.  He knows his sh**, is really into helping his customers, and listens, too.  I wish that Best Buy was here in Vermont.  I wanna check out which store number it was and call it up and ask for its manager, explain to him/her how this dude sold us on a brand new camera in under 15 minutes and knew his stuff.  I probably will.  Every time I pick up Obsidian (Sid for short) I think of Erick's knowledgeable and helpful self.  What a wonderful memory to attach to my newest "child."

In other news, we're HOME!!!!!!!  And I've got a friend IMing me... I gotta go... we had soooooo much fun out there, but I'm sooooooooooooooooo glad to be home.  More in a bit on a trip summary.  Otherwise, read http:\\ - that's the official trip site...
