


Yeah, back from the trip and already window shopping with virtual money I don't even know if I have yet.  The above is a link to an MP3 player that's piqued my interest.  If my readers have any sentiments about Blaupunkt/Crutchfield, I'd like to know some opinions while I research.  Dante will be paid off in two years or so.  If I doubled his payments I could even get that down to one.  Might just do that, and save a bit on the side for some, uh, upgrades.  It'll be SO nice to OWN that truck.  Next car I buy will be saved for and NOT finance for five years, but until then, Dante comes first.  Gotta pay Dale for my newest camera, though... his died during our trip so he bought a new one at a Best Buy out there somewheres, I think it was Boulder City, NV or thereabouts.  As he spoke to the clerk there,  I was looking over the S3 (I had/have the S2, which was acting fluky and scaring me).  The clerk saw my interest and listened to my concerns; I'd been thinking of going even higher but not right away, still, my camera was scaring me, but I was just not ready to leap yet, but then, it would be such a waste to get another S2 (or S3) if I /did/ make a leap in the next year.  

Erick - MAN that guy needs to get a raise, he should be employee of the year! - suggested that I buy the S3, refrain from opening it, and then return it in 14 days if my camera lived.  If it didn't, I'd have an insurance policy and could own the S3.  Yeah!!  A Best Buy employee telling a customer to do such a thing!!  Not that it's immoral or anything, but I wouldn't expect an employee to actually suggest that in this day and age.  They live to sell, not promote returns.  Usually.

The dude seemed to know his sh** so since Dale was done with him for the time being, I went off on a rave about the S2 but how there were still certain things I didn't like about it that should have been improved.  His eyes go off into space for a second and he's like, "Hey, wait a second... I think we might have some S5's... I swear I saw them earlier this afternoon - they just came in!"  So I'm like, "What?!  But the S3 just came out!!  And what about the S4?!"  "I know!!  That's what /I/ said when I saw them!!"  Off he goes, returns with an S5... opens the package, thanking Canon out loud for having the kind of boxes they have (so it doesn't look like it was opened if you replace contents)... finds some batteries somewheres and a card, and hands it to me to play with!!  I'm like, "You won't get in trouble for this?"  "Nah... check that out - bigger display, etcetcetc" I'm like, "WHOA!!  They listened to their customers and fixed some of the things I thought should be better!!"  "Yeah!!"  So he and Dale and I spent a good 10 minutes taking pictures in the store and getting all excited and then I said, "Hmm... can you sell THIS to me??  I won't be returning it though..."  So he checked into things (it wasn't on shelves yet) and came back smiling.

Some salesman.  He knows his sh**, is really into helping his customers, and listens, too.  I wish that Best Buy was here in Vermont.  I wanna check out which store number it was and call it up and ask for its manager, explain to him/her how this dude sold us on a brand new camera in under 15 minutes and knew his stuff.  I probably will.  Every time I pick up Obsidian (Sid for short) I think of Erick's knowledgeable and helpful self.  What a wonderful memory to attach to my newest "child."

In other news, we're HOME!!!!!!!  And I've got a friend IMing me... I gotta go... we had soooooo much fun out there, but I'm sooooooooooooooooo glad to be home.  More in a bit on a trip summary.  Otherwise, read http:\\ - that's the official trip site...


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