

liver n onions

with cayenne pepper!! w00t!! Dale's not feeling all that great as
of late, got some bug or something. I don't know if it's sympathy
symptoms or my own way of warning myself that I've got the same bug,
but I'm not exactly at 100% capacity myself, and I've been treating
my body rather poorly as of late: Skipped meals, excessive junk
food, stress, not quite enough sleep, long hours at work, and a few
days ago, an orange and a piece of clementine. Probably overdid it
on the tea, too, which tends to dehydrate me a tad bit over time,
especially this time of year. I've also been doing way too many
dairy products and not nearly enough water.

So, I decided a blast of nutrition was in order to help minimize any
disruptive viruses that may be attempting to infiltrate and take over
my .exe's.

In comes Liver n Onions. I fry up about as many onion choppings as I
do liver choppings. Generally, it's a 1:1 ratio. Today, however, I
added in a dash of Cayenne, a splash of Chicken Rub, a sprinkle of
Seasoned Salt, and a generous helping of Ground Coriander.


Hopefully this dish, and others I'll be making later, will ward off
whatever Dale's got. Later I'll be having marinated bison and pasta
with garlic. And, I'm going to find a good spot to take a nap at
some point. I'm exhausted, even after 9.5 hours of sleep last night.


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