

Dinner 101

Tonight I "butter-pan-fried" some milanesa steak, then set it aside
and crumbled a whole (16oz?) package of baby bellas into the pan
along with a good portion of chopped onions, added my stirfry veggies
(snap peas, carrots, and more mushrooms), and finally, some chopped
scallions and a bit of collard greens. I added some of the yellow
squash water (which I boiled yellow squash in) and let it boil out;
while it did that I chopped the steak into cubes and dumped it back
in the pan to mix it all up, then added real irish butter to the
squash on my plate and am digging right in. It's absolutely
beautiful [tasting].

I did manage to nab four crackers with port wine cheese and a glass
of merlot as I prepped the plate. :) Man, I love cooking such
delicacies... I don't do this particular thing often because Dale
doesn't like onions or mushrooms, and I like to cook for him, so this
was a real treat that I didn't even know I was missing. Maybe I
should reserve a day or two each month for "I'm cooking an elaborate
something that you don't like" day! But just my luck, then I won't
feel like cooking. This time, it almost felt like I was getting away
with something!! All on a me-whim, too... so much better than coming
directly home from work and doing just whatever. Instead, I went and
got groceries and whipped this up in less than an hour. Yay!

(And Dale, if you're reading this, I know you never ask me to cook
you dinner and you're not trying to control my meal creation. You
don't have to. I like to cook for us (when I'm in the mood to cook)
and quite honestly, I enjoy pretending that I'm getting away with
whatever it is so just sit back and enjoy this odd sense of humour
your crazy wife happens to retain. LOL)


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