

Snow Leopard

If I had known about this ONE FEATURE, I might have upgraded just a bit sooner from Leopard to Snow Leopard.

When you take a screen shot, it does not save it as "Picture 1.png" or "Picture 2.png" any more.  Oh, no. It finally makes SENSE!!!

Here is the new format:
Screen shot 2010-11-13 at 8.11.24 AM.png

Is that cool or what?  Now when you dump a bunch of fresh screenshots, never renamed, into the pictures folder, you don't end up having to rename them (unless you want to).  Why someone hadn't done this sooner is beyond me.  But the fact they did is BEAUTEOUS!!

The other thing I would have liked to see, but which has been remedied by a handy program called SizeUp, is the non-snappage seen in Windows 7.  SizeUp is a small program that runs in the background, however, which allows the same keystrokes.  It has a sibling that does it via mouse, like 7 also does.  I prefer keyboard so I purchased this one instead.

I think the creator is going to get a kudos email from me soon.  It's exactly what I had been hoping for.

Anywho, my current ramblings.  Oh!!  And our friend Amy has created a new blog:

I like her writing.  She had told me that she writes sometimes, but she never produced anything for me to read (of hers).  It's nice to finally see some of it outside the usual business-oriented places.


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