

Fried corn meal mush egg thingie?

Not sure what this is really but here's the recipe as I remember it from a half hour or so ago.

Boiled water
1/2 cup corn meal
mixed up (probably have been better if I'd done this with cold water and then boiled it, like instructions usually say)

once most water is absorbed/evaporated and it's a thick mush:
Melt chunk of butter in fry pan on medium heat
Add ground cumin or whole cumin for that matter, to taste
Press corn mush into butter, keeping together like a solid
Let it fry for a while (5 minutes?)

Corn mush should be a bit solidish by now but still needs cooking.  Form a hole in the center of the "pancake" just big enough for an egg yolk.
Dump in an egg.
Spread the white over the top of the mushy cake in all directions (from the center outward works well).
Let it cook on a quarter heat for about ten minutes, or until the bottom is turning brown and crispy and the top white is mostly white.  Yolk will hopefully still be a bit liquidy on top, assuming you like runny yolks at all (I do).
Turn off heat.
Carefully flip "pancake."
Let it sit as it cools, then immediately turn frying pan upside down over plate to let the cake de pan flop out.

Add a bit of salt.  It's a little bland.  Otherwise, interesting take on the familiar "toad in the hole" concept.  I suppose to expedite this and use fewer cooking items, one could prepare corn mush ahead of time, keep it in the fridge, and then simply fry it with the egg... that way you can make a few days' worth of mush and save some extra time in the morning.

I like finding new ways to cook food... lol


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