

Microsoft vs Google vs Apple

I wasn't around when the Z1 came about, or the ENIAC, or the UNIVAC.  They're ancient history in my world, an important part of computer evolution.  But I was around to see the concept of ARPAnet develop into what we now view as the Internet... when I first learned of computers talking to each other, it was through one three channels:  Modem to modem, PC Link, or a Mainframe.  And all throughout my early life, I remember hearing buzzwords such as Intel, Packard Bell, MicroSoft, WANG, IBM, NEC, Apple, Commodore, Atari, WordStar, WordPerfect, DOS, Mainframe, AOL, Word Processor, Tandy, BASIC, ZIP drives, TAPE MEDIA!!, Pong... yeah, I'm dating myself.  LOL.

All things considered, then, I reckon I was born near the dawn of the Personal Computer Age.

Since then, I've also watched as the BBS concept has evolved into lists, forums, messageboards, and groups.  I've watched e-mail take off from modem-downloaded text to websites embedded in full-colour, sendable with a tap on someone's phone while they're sitting in a pool sipping Chardonnay.  Computers went from mainframes to personal computers to internet-connected nodes and now they're starting to become one big mainframe in some cases, content being stored online in the "cloud" and computers themselves becoming more and more just a dummy terminal for access.  (I don't like that part.  I like my content at home with me.  Just sayin'.)  What was once an excellent way secretly exchange messages over long distances has turned into Identity Theft Central.  It used to be that getting a letter was routine.  Now the post offices are starting to close.  Remember when they tried to charge a nickel for each email to make up for their lost revenue?  Yeah!  I do!

Cable TV.  It was once the replacement for Pay TV.  The idea was that if you didn't like commercials, you paid to get rid of them.  That was the deal.  At some point that changed and commercials made their way back into paid entertainment.  Now "cable" doesn't just mean TV.  It means internet, TV, VoIP, streaming.  Routers were something only the Mysterious Nerds had.  Modems went from modulating and demodulating to pulling and pushing vast quantities of data from all over the world to a plethora of home computers, one or more for each family member ages birth and up.

DragonSpeak is the first voice recognition software that I remember hearing about.  There may have been others.  It was for transcribing notes so you didn't have to type them out.  Now we have Siri and Google working for us, and surprisingly, they work well half the time.

I remember ASCII art being printed on long strings of computer paper, complete with holes along each side.  I was totally floored when I first saw Paint.  I was even more floored when I saw whatever Apple had for a drawing product back in the day.  Remember how you could draw a few lines, then pass a rotating line over it and get Chicago 19 album cover art?  Yeah!!  Now we've got PhotoShop, complete with LAYERS.

It was wondrous when games came on cartridges, a great change to when they were one-game-per-machine.  It was pretty cool when they began coming out on diskettes, and later, CDs.  Then they were downloadable without leaving your chair.  Now you go to an App Store or Google Play where there are gazillions of them for a buck.

Remember music?  It used to live on the radio, records and tapes.  CDs were later touted as "virtually indestructible."  (Not to be a dweeb, but some of my tapes are almost 30 years old now.  Admittedly, I've never lost a CD to a tape-munching deck, though, and they don't have crackles and pops in them.  On the other hand, the sound quality sounds fake to me at times.  But I digress.)  For a time, music and software became an underground trading society and suddenly people knew of bands they didn't even know they might like... and that viruses were often packaged in strange ways.  The RIAA and anti-piracy campaigns came onto the scene and broke most of that up.  Then online stores came out with listening previews.  THAT was pure genius.  Music and bookstores are now going out of business, all for the sake of laziness, efficiency, cost, and/or instant gratification, depending on who you talk to.  Albums still exist, but songs can be purchased separately.  Books are searchable rather than scannable.

Viruses have evolved from extension-hiding beasties to drive-by infections from websites.

Companies have changed hands, .COMs rose and fell, and "geeks"  went from being unusual freaks to desirable clubs.

And people still talk.  A lot.  But that's changed, too.

We still have get-togethers and parties of course.  But our phones have evolved to be a single landline that swapped its connection between modem and phone call to cell phones, Skype, iChat, and Google Voice.  We've also watched the rise of Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, Google Hangout, and more chat clients than I can even count.

As I write this, some of the early giants have climbed out of the depths of antiquity and found themselves evolving - both out of the need to survive (heck, for me, it's KEEP UP!!) and out of the need to create, polish, and perfect.

Google used to compete with a dogpile.  Now it's competing with Microsoft.  It's competing with Apple, which goes into hibernation but somehow always wakes up again.

We are connected.  All the time.  Almost anywhere.  At speeds.  Far faster.  Than downloading.  Porn.

And that, my fellow technoweenies, is progress.

It might also assist in the collapse of the world as we know it.  But until that day, boys and girls, REJOICE in all that is awesome!!  I am!



Pathogen Misconceptions!

The other day a friend wanted to meet up.  I'm like, sure, not an issue.  I went on to say how I was feeling better finally after my uvula had swollen up so much that it was using my tongue as a slip and slide into a pool of stomach acid.  What caused that, I was asked.  No clue, I said, but I had a one-day cold two days ago, so maybe it's related.  Maybe we shouldn't hang out, I was told.  I don't want my girlfriend getting sick, she just started a new job.  Okay, I agreed.  I explained that even the doc person didn't know what was wrong and prescribed antibiotics just in case it was bacterial.  Oh, in that case, come on over, I was told.  Huh?  Okay.

This made me chuckle.  I hadn't realized he was predisposed to the same misconception that much of the general public appears to be in agreement on.  Taking antibiotics means you're no longer contagious.  WRONG!!

If it's an undetermined cause, taking antibiotics does not mean the infection is gone.  It means the doc wanted to be safe in case it happened to be bacterial, and it is not possible that whatever invaded your body is now under fire and dying a miserable death.  However, most colds and flus are caused by viruses.  So, antibiotics don't mean anything unless the pathogen has been confirmed.  In fact, they're overprescribed because of this exact misunderstanding over the nature of germ types.  And it doesn't matter how many times you explain it to people, most will argue with you about it because they think drugs can cure everything and since you're not a doctor, you can't possibly know anything.  (Like they can.)  Not to say my friend argued about it with me... he's not really that type, and besides, I didn't bother to voice my understanding of the matter.

Back to the subject at hand, though.  Taking antibiotics means that one's body is under additional strain because any good bacteria is targeted as much as bad bacteria.  So, if anything, taking these things means that a person is more prone to suffering at the hands of additional crud (namely, viruses, which are immune to antibiotics) because the immune and nutrition centers have been compromised even further.  That's reason enough to avoid seemingly healthy people that might be carrying something that has not caused an illness in the carrier.  Doesn't mean someone else can't catch it, after all.

Anywho, I'm going to visit with my peoples anyway because I trust my body to do its thing and be stronger for it.  There was some theory somewhere that if the body doesn't have anything to fight off that it would fight itself, hence so many allergies and such these days.  It's an immunity powerhouse meant to kill pathogens.  If it doesn't have its past time, it turns on itself.  Interesting theory.  Not going to go exposing myself to typhoid on purpose, though.  But I'm not going to stop living, either.

Oh!!  And I was reading about helping diarrhea, which is a common side effect of taking antibiotics.  Several articles mentioned BRAT - bananas, rice, applesauce, toast.  They also said, "Lots of water, but NO CAFFEINE EVER!!"  I just happened to be having a nice long indulgent sip of a new, fresh tea that had arrived on my doorstep when I read that.  I made a mental middle finger and stuck it up.  I wasn't about to be told to refrain from a nice warm cuppa after a long day of drinking copious amounts of water and tasting the nice, dull - yet also metallic - taste of antibiotic in my mouth all afternoon.  Screw you, I thought.  I don't mind diarrhea.  I do mind not having my cuppa!!  :)

Life is good though.  I feel better than I've felt in a while.  For one thing, I have fresh tea and my uvula has retreated from my stomach!!



ahhh cuppa

Nothing quite like having a nice, clean desk and surrounding area.  That really REALLY needed to get done!  Place looks halfway decent, now.  Just gotta clean up the junk desk.

Now I'm enjoying a nice hot cup of Earl Grey, some cookies, and computer time. :)

I love not being sick anymore... and I love life, too.  Especially when it's like this.  :D :D :D




I officially hate this project I'm working on.

So far I've tried booting off several flash drives, the optical, a couple of discs, and... nothing.  Then I tried installing to a VM connected directly to the partition throw a raw file.  That failed miserably, but was the closest I got.  Until I recognized this little command called "bless."  I then "blessed" the efi files of my optical and immediately rebooted.  Lo!!  I was able to get Windows 8's installer to load!!

Then it gave me some additionally horrible news.  My disk is EFI, not GPT.  Windows 8 only likes GPT disks.  Says it won't boot, either.  I'm like, screw you, and went back into the Mac and wiped out that whole partition so it was unallocated.  Then I tried again.  (Had to rerun my command for bless of course, but I wrote a shell script for that.)  YAY!!  Got farther!!  Then as it reallocates the space for me, it goes, "Nope, sorry, still EFI.  Screw you."


So, I'm thinking this is one of two things.

1. I need to put W8 on my SSD, which is bootable because it's my primary drive or
2. I need to wipe out my storage drive temporarily, figure out how to make it bootable, and/or put Windows on there first then if needed re-clone the drive back to it from the original.

If I could figure out how to make the Mac rewrite the MBR so Windows thinks the drive is bootable, I might be able to get somewhere here.  I suspect that because Windows cannot touch Mac drives, it's totally wonkered out by all this crap.

I'm seven or so hours into this.  I'm exhausted and still recovering from that damned flu.  I think I'll sleep on this and then struggle with it more later when I'm more refreshed.  It's so hard to let go of, though.  Argh!

~the irritated Mountain Lion and hopefully some day Windows 8 user
ps did you notice that Windows 8 can be abbreviated W8 which spells Wait?  lololol

in sickness and in health

Not the marriage part.  That's fine.  Dale's always supportive of me in my personal decisions... what I meant by the subject "in sickness and in health" is that I cannot stop thinking about computers even when I'm so sick I'm asleep during the daytime.  Yes, the daytime.  Today is day four of a flu that knocked me out for the past three days.  I finally felt better yesterday afternoon - well enough to enjoy a cup of tea.  Yes, TEA!!  I hadn't had tea for days!!  DAYS!!!!!

I took another day off today knowing I wouldn't want to work with a dripping sneezing nose and uncontrollable cough... although in truth, I will likely get a few things done at home later today once I'm done poking at my personal laptop.

For today, I have installed a new hard drive in my laptop.  BUT I've been having mucho trouble installing Windows 8.  Dammit!  So far I've concluded that Talon doesn't like booting from Windows 8 discs.  I'm going to try to bootcamp from a usb flash drive instead.  We'll see how that works.

Black screen with underscore.  Not good.  We shall see how my new procedure works...

ps I need to eat, too, don't I... lol