


I officially hate this project I'm working on.

So far I've tried booting off several flash drives, the optical, a couple of discs, and... nothing.  Then I tried installing to a VM connected directly to the partition throw a raw file.  That failed miserably, but was the closest I got.  Until I recognized this little command called "bless."  I then "blessed" the efi files of my optical and immediately rebooted.  Lo!!  I was able to get Windows 8's installer to load!!

Then it gave me some additionally horrible news.  My disk is EFI, not GPT.  Windows 8 only likes GPT disks.  Says it won't boot, either.  I'm like, screw you, and went back into the Mac and wiped out that whole partition so it was unallocated.  Then I tried again.  (Had to rerun my command for bless of course, but I wrote a shell script for that.)  YAY!!  Got farther!!  Then as it reallocates the space for me, it goes, "Nope, sorry, still EFI.  Screw you."


So, I'm thinking this is one of two things.

1. I need to put W8 on my SSD, which is bootable because it's my primary drive or
2. I need to wipe out my storage drive temporarily, figure out how to make it bootable, and/or put Windows on there first then if needed re-clone the drive back to it from the original.

If I could figure out how to make the Mac rewrite the MBR so Windows thinks the drive is bootable, I might be able to get somewhere here.  I suspect that because Windows cannot touch Mac drives, it's totally wonkered out by all this crap.

I'm seven or so hours into this.  I'm exhausted and still recovering from that damned flu.  I think I'll sleep on this and then struggle with it more later when I'm more refreshed.  It's so hard to let go of, though.  Argh!

~the irritated Mountain Lion and hopefully some day Windows 8 user
ps did you notice that Windows 8 can be abbreviated W8 which spells Wait?  lololol

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