

tea time

I walked outside with cup in hand
And watched my guy prepare to leave
As he drove away in rain
I waved back and drank my tea

Nothing quite like a cup of tea on the porch in the morning whilst watching the rain fall on an otherwise already beautiful scene.  I used to find beauty where I lived as a child, but it is a far cry from where I live now.  Many strive for views of lakes or mountain ranges, and yes, they are beautiful... but I like the depth of facing a quiet, dead end street.  The fog isn't as dramatic as a valley view come springtime, and the sunsets are cloaked in reflected light.  Sunrises exist on the other side of the house, once they dare to peek over the trees.  But the fog amplifies the depth by making the reds and greens richer.  The sunset lights bounce around in the atmosphere and set the road a-glow.  And the sunrises, when it's not raining, have directed one's attention to various objects.  Once it alighted on a single deer, as if the deer had taken a spotlight.

There is nothing that can compare to the scene before me.

Now for my tea.

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