

Tea snobbery and rambles

Dale brought in the mail yesterday left a tea catalogue on my desk with a note:
"You might be a tea snob when you get tea news."

I have informed him that it's a catalogue as well as a newsletter, thankyouverymuch.

Admittedly, though, it might scare me a tad bit that as I was reading through the 35th page (out of 50 maybe) that I was increasingly aware of how "simple" the catalogue's verbiage was to me and how it likely isn't to the uninitiated.

I cannot believe how many things the human brain can remember in its lifetime, nor how many subjects one can delve into with gusto without even realizing it.  I also know way more about cars than I ever thought I would prior to becoming interested.

And let's not forget D&D, which is no longer a foreign term.  Or servers, or networking, or any number of things.

Where does all this stuff go?  How does it stick?  And then I go around complaining because I can't remember things on the fly as often as I used to and sometimes I forget words.  I think I need to accept that my brain is going to age like everyone else's and I should be glad I had one to age in the first place!!  It truly is a remarkable computer in there.  I remember that for 20 years of my life I wandered around with 20 or more thoughts coursing through my brain simultaneously.  It drove me crazy when it got really speedy in there... it felt like a multitude of Europe Express tracks whizzing around delivering lightweight cases of trinkets and treasures.  I have always had issues forming spoken words - the mouth is so slow compared to the fingers - but at the time it was worse.  Now I talk "slow" (for me) because I can't come up with the words, but it used to be because the words I came up with reflected several thoughts:
"I'm happy today"
"Look at the pretty sunset"
"I think I'll read that book later"
"What if I added a nested loop to that program"
"I could use some chocolate milk"
"This computer is too slow"
"What if I'm in a parallel universe"

could all turn into an abbreviated sentence:

"I'm happy sunset think book later added milk slow universe-- uh..."  :: blink blink ::  "I have to go."

This morning I heard Dale talking in his sleep.  He does this a lot but I usually don't catch what he's saying.  As it happened, I was watching him sleep because I woke up an hour earlier than I should have.  Must be the cup of tea I had last night, who knows - yeah, it wakes me up the next day, it doesn't KEEP me up.  So I propped myself up on my elbow, noting that the water pillow did indeed leak a little (been wondering if it was or why it wasn't) and stared creepily at him, smiling maniacally - "Whee, I can't believe I still see him when I wake up in the morning.  Is he still real?  Really real?"  Yeah, the expressions on my face must be creepy indeed.  So I'm staring at him and he starts tossing and turning a bit.  Then he smiles a bit and says, "Look at - she's wearing a hat."  Or something.  I cocked my head and hoped to hear more, but he fell silent and began to snore lightly, having concluded the little peep session into his dreamworld.  In the past I've heard him discussing technical specifications and rocket launching.  I think somniloquy is fascinating.

I don't remember what I'd dreamt but I know people I knew were in my head because I recall feeling like I was watching familiar beings and that they were OK with my presence.  I have vague memories of fields and grass and... oh.  That reminds me that I should check in with an old friend again and see how he's doing...

AND I should also contact a couple other friends of mine.  One recently moved, or was going to.  Maybe she's still in the process and could use help later today.  The other I haven't had breakfast with in several long days.  Aight, off to do the day's bidding.  I think some tea is in order, first, though.

OH YEAH and Dale and I are going to do some pickling today!!  Not actual canning, mind, but just like a 24 hour pickling fiesta.  Yum!  That should bring down the number of cukes on the counter... (of course now they'll be in the fridge)


ps NOW I'm off to do life.

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