

Puerh: 1. Me: 0.

Finally decided to open my first brick of puerh.  This is a Haiwan Shu Puer brick from Phoenix Tea.  I stabbed myself with the knife twice but thankfully didn't draw any blood or inject staph or tetanus into myself.  I think.  I figured maybe I wasn't doing this right so I looked at a video where they make it look very easy.  Oh, I can do it, I thought.

In the end, the video lady ended up with a very neat piece of tea to place in her cup and her tea brick still looked beautiful.  I have a brick that looks like it's been unceremoniously chipped at with a rock and a little pile of tea powder suitable for fine-meshed tea bags.  It better taste good or ... or ... I'll do what?  Run from the evil brick??

I hate puerh.

Somehow I think a tea needle wouldn't help me much here.  If anything I could end up looking something like this (stolen off the internet at some point).

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