

Poem - Condestruction

20140610 - c2013 wlc

Humidity sets in
A waterfall in air
Nebel echoes in my ears
Surrounding me with life
I feel it permeating my body
But my mind remains numb
The trees and pollen try coating the car
I miss them all
I round the curves with practiced boredom
Drawing with humidity
Feet still cold on the vehicle floor
Hands so dry upon the wheel
My heart stops for just a moment
I'm lost in time
A tear inches backward
How fast am I going?
When will I stop?
I think of perfection
Belatedly, I wonder, if this is the end
But practice makes perfect
And it wasn't too fast
I'm just another part
Of the winding old road
And suddenly
I'm waiting on a highway
Stopped dead cold
The winding road ceases to wind
As I sit there growing old

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