

Power's back on!

We forgot that the power was scheduled to go out early this morning,
and thus we were awakened by the sounds of beepage. I was half-
dreaming WITH the beepage so it's a good thing Dale was awake enough
to say, "Oh, riiiight, the power's out this morning." That woke me
up enough to realize the beeps in my dreams were the beeps of our
real-life UPSes. Then I realized that I'd neglected to shut off
Shady last night so I flew out of bed to shut him down before the
battery backups died. (Supposedly we get around 15 minutes of
battery time, but I've never tested that theory.)

Then I went back to bed to finish enjoying the last few hours of snot-
free existence. Felt like my chest was going to explode with the
dryness, but I didn't care, at least I wasn't blowing my nose. My
next awakening occurred at 8:35am when Kitty decided to remind me
that she hadn't been fed. And had been MOST patient. Sinkie added
to her chidings when I went to fill the dishes and then I wandered
back upstairs to turn on the computer. Which I couldn't do because
there was no power. So I went back downstairs and made myself a
sandwich with some cool soup which I made by dumping hot water from
the tap into it to warm it some. (I was hungry and wanted soup.
Byte me.)

So, anywho, I had to email ya'll 'cause as soon as I woke up for real
this morning I had to wander around the house feeling lost due to
lack of internet/computer time, and now that it's back on I'm
realizing I really didn't need to be online but since it's here,
well... I HAD to email SOMEONE!!

There's the story. I'm going to finish cleaning my den now. :)

ps the funny word of the day is "snot"
pps holding back the laughter is still killing my lungs

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