

Re: the mark of analysis

> I just figured out the solution to a problem I noticed.
> Tonight I went to rename picture files on my SD card. I do this
> frequently by using a little renaming script I created with "A
> Better Finder Rename 7." Typically, I open the SD card folder,
> locate the pictures, highlight them, drag them onto the script, and
> it renames them thusly: yymmdd hhmmss pic#.jpg
> Then I move them into folders based on date (such as 0911, which
> would be today) and move THOSE to a folder on the hard drive. Then
> I wipe the SD card clean.
> Tonight, however, it kept telling me that I hadn't the
> permissions. My first thought of course was that the card was
> locked. But upon some systematic thinking, I realized it was
> confusing my two "sticks." Both of them are labelled "No Name."
> So, when it went to rename things, it thought I meant No Name when
> I really meant No Name, even though I specifically dragged from No
> Name and not No Name.

Confused? So am I. I'm exhausted and am going to sleep now.


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