


Quote of the Day: "All that we send into the lives of others comes
back into our own." (Edwin Markham)

Methinks so. Dr. Wayne Dyer seems to think attitude has a lot to do
with how we're treated by most people. One of the stories he has
told is how he was travelling on some airline and he had an extra
piece of luggage. This lady wouldn't let him take that one piece of
luggage, and he was running out of time. He knew from the look on
her face that she wasn't about to budge. I can't remember exactly
what he said to her or whatever, but in the end, his attitude about
the situation was so positive that she eventually succumbed and
allowed an exception rather than hanging upon technicality.

Witness to this in my own life has been me. It's both attitude and
perception in a person that enables happy or sad thoughts. You ever
hear of a person being "negative" all the time? What about a person
who's always "so positive" or "bubbly" or whatnot? The eternal
optimist. The pessimist. We have all sorts of labels to place on
people who tend towards one extreme or the other. I know both types
of people and find my spirits instantly coiled up whenever they sense
negativity, and they seem to soar when around a happy person. This
can occur even before anything is said.

Indeed, the human element is so very aware of its surroundings. You
ever walk into a room and suddenly feel this weight in the air? Your
neck hairs prickle and you feel wary. Come to find out an argument
had just occurred, or someone is in a bad mood. You don't have to
see the angry person to feel the vibe.

Then there's "like attracts like." If you're somewhat neutral, or
perhaps even positive, and hang around a negative person, you feel
bad. Eventually you want to get away from that person, or you end up
being negative, too. It almost can't be helped. A negative person
will in turn either be lifted in spirits around or absolutely detest
a happy person. "You're so f***ing happy," they might say. "You
make me sick!" Thus is stands to reason that if you're positive most
of the time, you'll attract positive people into your life, and vice-

So, yes, what goes around comes around.


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