

Rude Awakening

I was rudely awakened this morning by my mind. As I lay there, swept
peacefully away in some far off dream with a smile on my lips, I came
to the sudden realization that I was waking up. I fought it,
desperate for just a few more minutes of sleepy reverie. Additional
sleep was being deftly capsized by the swirling sensation of pending
thoughts, however. My eyes opened, spluttering the murky depths of
consciousness, and I saw for the first time the time: 6:01am.


There was a lot of light sneaking into the room for six o'clock in
the morning. Still, Summer draws near, and thus, so does the longest
day of the year. Still hazy with dreamlife, I figured the clock was
right. So I squeezed tightly my eyes and willed my mind to take a
hike. My body relaxed slightly, appreciating the gesture, and I
sensed that sleep was pending once again. Could it be? Could I have
thwarted my mind this morning, awarding myself additional sleep of
which I am only too thirsty to drink?

I had. My mind was not impervious to the fact that I was still
supine and rather blissfully carefree to the things I could be doing
outside of the comforter's embrace. It rebelled after only a few
moments, but I'd somehow placed it into a rattly cage. The sound of
its complaining cup against the bars kept waking me up further, but
the extra sleep was not lost to me. So, I humoured it slightly and
reflected upon a movie that Dale and I watched last night. It was
called "From Hell" and starred Johnny Depp and some red-haired
woman. Also, Iam Holm, of LOTR-scary-ring-want-it-backer lore. (He
has a knack for looking scary, which scares me. Ha.) Then I tackled
the details of a colleague whom I worked with yesterday. I noted
with immense satisfaction that her eyes had transformed into a
brilliant shade of pale gray as she indulged my questions about her
puppies. I'd seen this shade before when she was amused, and am
always eager to see it again because I know she's feeling happy
rather than stressed. While it was not my intent to affect her mood,
I was still pleased that I had. Her face slowly fading from my
immediate thoughts, I then turned to Dale's image. In real life he
slept peacefully, but in my heart I watched him working on Dante's
new stereo. He was hooking up wires for the harness; sweaty, dirty,
and exhausted in his own right from the lawn work he'd accomplished
beforehand, he was fully willing to assist me with my overdue
project. I smiled and internally hugged him for his efforts. This
felt as though it could be just enough to satiate the caged beast.
Mind having been partially silenced, I teetered on the edge of total
oblivion and braced myself for the pleasant fall. Then my stomach

My stomach is my mind's starving counterpart. I may very well have
succeeded in my trek towards full sleep immersion were it not for the
rumbling protests of my belly. But now I'll never know for sure.
Understanding the futility of forcing sleep upon the growly beast
when I'm not quite sick or excessively exhausted, I decided to give
in and wake up. My eye cracked open. 6:30am.

Sleep may have been effectively ripped from my body, but the bed's
warmth did not give in so easily. I yawned and permitted a luxurious
stretch, then turned and hugged Dale - this time for real. He made
an unintelligible gutteral sound that sounded vaguely like "thank
you" and promptly resumed his snoring. My breathing was clogged in
my nose, however, and I began feeling claustrophobic, so I pulled
away and focused on pushing air through my nose. This went on for
several minutes as my mind applied salve to its self-inflicted
bruises and began asking questions about all the things I might do
with RapidWeaver and dirt today. The thought of RapidWeaver piqued
my interest, but it wasn't enough. "Perhaps you should go write
about me," quoth my mind, attempting to selfishly feed the fire of
awareness. "I think not," I replied, rather peeved at its inability
to demonstrate tact and patience. "How rude," it murmured. And
then, I was out of bed and this entry was thus born.

Dale is now awake, and has just unceremoniously thrown today's
clothing into a rolling heap upon the stairs. The kitties will
proceed to chase us around the house until they get their breakfast,
Peaches will fall asleep with the day's dawn, and I shall yawn
vigorously in protest of my internal alarm clock despite my
increasingly intriguing interest in RapidWeaver website design and
planting potatoes.

Thus begins my day off.


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