

Odd likes Odd

So last night we're doing game night. Some of the events stand out to me and make me chuckle now that I'm more awake.

For starters, Dale is the only guy there. The women all range in age, from my almost-34 to Amy's 20 and Becky's unknown-number-older-than me.

Before Becky arrived, Dale brought me Cocoa Puffs and milk. As I ate, I heard him telling Amy that his white hot chocolate was too hot because he put it in an insulate cup. He was like, "As soon as she's done with her cereal, I'll just pour it in there and it'll cool down." Wanting him to be able to drink his drink, I hurried along and drank down the milk. I handed him the bowl. As soon as he had his drink dumped in there, I grabbed his cup and dumped fresh cereal and milk in it.

Amy goes and pokes me. I go to poke back and she uses her shoulder-back manoeuvre to avoid me, since she knows I will avoid her chest area at all costs. I scowl and return to my cereal.

Becky shows up and we start playing Skip Bo. I'd started feeling a little out of it probably a good two hours earlier, so it takes me a while to catch onto the game, as easy as it is. I feel like I'm about to collapse into my cereal bowl, but that's OK. Becky finally makes me a cup of tea and hands me a tissue box full of cookies she made.

Those are the events I particularly remember. Summary: I'm eating cereal out of an insulated mug and half-sleeping on the table with warnings of a dreamstate hanging back in the imaginary curtains. Dale is drinking white hot chocolate out of a cereal bowl. Becky hands me cookies in a tissue box. Amy is jerking her shoulders back and creating new poking methods with her boots.

If you didn't know us too well, you might have a rather odd look on your face, watching all this. But amidst my odd sleep state at the time, I gathered all this stuff together and had a good chuckle over it, laughing about how I don't feel so darned strange anymore. There are three others just like me!


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