

Process for paying our mortgage

Step 1. Double-check that your login still works about two weeks before mortgage is due. Make sure it's written down correctly.
Step 2. Wait until due date is imminent.
Step 3. Go to website.
Step 4. Try to log in with known good information.
Step 5. Fail. Scratch head. Feel blood begin to simmer.
Step 6. Make another attempt.
Step 7. Fail. Restrain fists from hitting walls. Feel blood boiling.
Step 8. Attempt to recover password using link.
Step 9. Wait for email.
Step 10. Continue waiting.
Step 11. Realize the email with password is NEVER COMING.
Step 12. Attempt to log in again, trying a new combination.
Step 13. Scream when it locks you out. Holler obscenities.
Step 14. Email self at work to remind you to call the next day to have account unlocked.
Step 15. Go to work next day.
Step 16. Overlook the email because a gazillion interruptions occur (it IS work after all).
Step 17. Get home late and realize you forgot to call the bank. Mutter under breath.
Step 18. Email self at work again.
Step 19. Go to work next day.
Step 20. See email. Call people and explain again. Get it reset. Test thoroughly. Reset yourself. Test thoroughly.
Step 21. Finish work and go home.
Step 22. Log into site again with information. Record new password carefully. Test again.
Step 23. Pay mortgage.
Step 24. Log out.
Step 25. Rinse, wash, and repeat.

This is what it's like for most things I do online:
Step 1. Log into site.
Step 2. Pay bill.
Step 3. Log out.
Step 4. Repeat for next interval.

:: wishful thinking for this institution ::

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