


Tomorrow is Thanksgiving. The past few years, I've put together a list of things I'm thankful for.

I remember having this one Thanksgiving with my mom where we had two Cornish Hens, one for each of us, and the potatoes, etc. We took pictures because it was a real treat eating like that. Recently, her and I have gotten into a bit of a spat. I've gleaned that she doesn't understand me nor does she really want to for all her psychobabble over the years. We're currently on non-speaking terms, her because she thinks I'm being hateful and me because I'm not willing to be a doormat for her amusement. That all being said, I'm oddly not as upset as I'd typically expect. Once I got a bunch of crap out of my system, I felt strangely relieved, even though she still doesn't get it. Not exactly happy about the situation but I'm happy not to be worried about what I have to overlook next. I wish I'd stood up to her a bit sooner, although admittedly, it was nice the past few years, enjoying a bit of peace in between storms.

So, this year... I'm thankful for:
- The understanding husband, who has his own opinions and knows how to express them without ramming them down my throat, and who listens to mine even if he disagrees with them.
- The tolerant cat, who watched me pick some sort of gray specks out of his toes earlier before finally cuffing me a good one to remind me of whose toes I'm touching.
- The other cat, who is currently curled up nearby with a very happy look on her face and one foot over her head.
- The time I got to spend with my former pets, who have crossed the Rainbow Bridge.
- The job I go to each day, where I have one boss who generally leaves me alone to do what I know I need to do to keep things running.
- The colleagues I work with who are fun yet good at what they do and serious about doing it.
- The family and friends I have that actually don't mind who I am and wouldn't change me for the world (nor I, them).
- All our worldly possessions, like a house, running vehicles, and gadgetry, which make life so much easier and fun to live with.
- The many places we've had the privilege of visiting this past year.
- Awesome food we've had.

In short, I find life quite bearable... and stuff.


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