

Caaaats vs breakfast

I have begun a hazardous ritual this morning.  I lead Sinclair into his favourite room and give him a handful for cat food.  Then I shut the door in Gizmo's face and lead him to the bathroom.  I give him a few morsels, knowing that he's pudgy already because he gobbles up most of what is served to all three of them each morning.  Kitty is always sleeping so I've stopped worrying about her in the mornings and try to snag her later for a trio-cat-treat.  She can hold her own with Gizmo, it's Sinclair that's bashful.  Anywho, Gizmo gets shut in the bathroom with his morsels.  The only reason I give him anything is because I don't want him to think he's being punished.  I often throw him in there when he's being a turd.

I then go eat my breakfast in peace, saving a small slice of egg for Sinclair.  He gets let out just as I'm finishing, he does his "not sure about this egg on the floor" thing while I finish up, then he gets my plate to lick.  This he usually does with the air of someone who firmly believes I was holding out on him but was too polite to say anything, that sort of relief like, "Oh, good, I don't have to pretend anymore."  Then he ravenously licks the plate, which is pretty much liquefied egg, and completely ignores the solid, yolky egg on the floor (I thought he LIKED the yolk?!  Not today?).  Meanwhile, I transfer my tea to my desk and let the Beast (Gizmo) out.  At first he hangs around me, lavishing me with praise for the treat and for being me (yay) and then his ears prick up a split second before he turns into a black streak headed for the kitchen.  He turns into our vaccuum cleaner, driving off Sinclair's final attempts to "tolerate" the leftover egg, and then in about 30 seconds I can go in and pick up an unimaginably clean plate while he washes the floor with his tongue.  And I wonder why I keep forgetting to mop.

Despite the extra effort, it worked this morning.  The catch is that I know they will expect this every time I eat at the counter now… or worse, they'll simply expect it whenever they want to expect it, much like Kitty.  I would be stronger if it weren't for Sinclair's former habit of getting fed at my desk prior to Gizmo coming on board.  He's such a dignified, polite character, and it's hard to resist him.  Alas, we'll see how it goes.  It's a rabbit hole, I know.  But it sure was nice to eat for once without two sets of eyes on me.  :: sigh ::


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