

Computer Manufacturers

And now let me rant for a while about computer manufacturers that don't care to provide the option to order a Windows disc while ordering their computers from them.

Lenovo.  Is.  On.  My.  Shit.  List.

IBM used to have awesome products, and this laptop isn't that bad, actually.  Seems like a laptop.  Looks like one, acts like one, has a battery, it can plug in and charge up, gets online, does things laptops do.  But man, swap the hard drive with a new one and you're installing Ubuntu whether you wanted Windows 8.1 or not.  Maybe MicroSoft is behind this, I don't know, but not providing a means to recovery your os to a new hard drive?  Bad juju.

I would be willing to accept this seemingly new practice if they only made it clear that it's the case while ordering their stuff, but they don't.  You know, like Dell does!  "Include recovery media" options would do the trick nicely.  Then at least you're not blindsided by assumption.  "They didn't ask if I wanted recovery media.  They must include the discs.  Nice!  Glad I chose Lenovo this time!"  "Wait, there's no disc in this box.  Maybe they forgot it.  Oh, what's this?  You have to order it from premium support?  For a fee?  And wait days to get that, too?  WTF?!"

Screw their one-touch recovery crap.  Anybody in their right technical mind knows these days that hard drives fail.  The laptop came with a regular, failable hard drive.  Hello?  You seriously trust this?  One-year warranties don't fix hard drives that fail in two years, or five years.  Why don't they just rent out computers if they don't want us to own them anymore?

:: mumbling incoherently ::

I hate today's tech world.  I really do.  It moves fast but without any real goal other than to simply race.  No consideration for anything other than a buck or to be first at something.  No thought for quality or comprehensiveness.

Anywho, rant over.  Premium Support should be open now, so I've got a call to make.  :: steps off slippery soap box ::

Ubuntu works great on this laptop by the way

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