

Mom's writing

Knowing that Mum doesn't read my blogs (or if she does, she's never
mentioned it), I emailed her about the driving thing I just blogged
about. As I clicked "Send," I had to giggle to myself. Mum's writing
is very short and precise, like a newspaper article, usually. She
hates flowery crap. Me being a flowery writer at times, I often find
myself re-writing my emails to her in an attempt to remove anything
not pertinent to the conversation.

So, first I blogged the driving experience, then I re-read it and
wrote the email to her entirely from scratch, pulling just the more
important bits and pieces from the blog. It basically came out like a
revved-up version of this:

I can drive standard! I was popping the clutch the whole time. Dale
explained that I should ease out instead. Focused on that. Whammo,
got it.

Okay, it was closer to four short paragraphs because I was still so
excited about it and wanted it to read like at least part of me was in
there, but, you get the point.

Sometimes, it's kinda hard to be so expressive. LOL.


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