

Excitement in town

So today we're driving down West Road while Dale reads the newspaper.  He says, "Hey, there was an accident... some guy was drinking coffee and started choking on it... then this Kyle person tried to help by grabbing the steering wheel and they crashed into a utility pole."

My hands on the steering wheel, I'm gawking at the landscape before us:  green, green, green, more green, and - oh yeah!! - fluffy clouds in an overcast background of prematurely aging sky.  On one level I'm enjoying the beauty; on another I'm disappointed that there's no blue in sight for our photo shoot; on yet another I'm happy because it's not raining yet.  And then a shadow of a thought materializes and screams, "OMG!!  Are they okay?!"

Dale assures me that they are.  Just bruises, bumps, that sort of thing.  Hot coffee spilled all over the guy's lap, most likely.  Whups.  Can't imagine how that could have happened.  Maybe he just bought it from the store down the road, and, like many of us, decided he'd drink it on the road.  Do you think he'd ever have guessed that his passenger would yank the steering wheel out of his hands just because he was happily inhaling his coffee?  Everybody knows that caffeine absorbs quicker through the lungs!!  What's wrong with this Kyle person, anyway??  Maybe he was just jealous that he didn't get any coffee.

So then I hear Dale's next comment.  "Hm.  Wonder where the pole is?"  "Yeah," I respond, and we both glance over to the right side of the road.  There, behold, is a pole lying on the ground near the upright one!  "There it is!!" we exclaim together, as if we'd just seen Bigfoot carrying off a beautiful maiden after searching for it for six days on foot, rifles in hand the whole time.  We exhale as we pass, and say, "Huh."

Accident?  Yep, right here in OUR town!!  On OUR STREET!!  OMG There's the pole!!  There it goes!!  Bye, pole!!  This, after that murder on the other road we're so familiar with.  For such a little town, we sure do have a lot going on.  How much excitement can we stand?!

As long as we don't see people shooting peas at our house, I think some excitement is okay... such as the kind we experience when we're tagging each other "it" and chasing each other around and around the house.  I think I'll avoid grabbing Dale's steering wheel, however.  Gatorade might stain my black jacket.


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