

Lazy Memorial Day

I was lazy today. Had a client at 3pm, so I stopped at a store on
the way back to get Milk, cheese, snackiepoo, and Benadryl in both
its forms (cream and pill). My left hand got bitten twice yesterday
by one of those midgelike little fu**ers on the left index finger
knuckle. Really, REALLY bad place to get bit, let alone twice, once
on front and back of the knuckle, ow. I've been bitten by skeeters
there before, and it's always worse than any other spot (except the
top of the head, maybe, which is at least almost as bad, or on a toe,
which is worse if I must wear shoes). Now I can barely bend that
finger, it itches like crazy but scratching makes it far worse, and
despite the ice I've been doling out to it, the swelling has spread
to my hand's knuckle, too. Dale insisted the cream would help but it
didn't. In fact, the swelling on my hand occurred after I used it
and the thing still needed ice to keep the itching at bay. Right
now, I'm alternating between cold cloth and keyboard. So I've just
taken some Advil (for the anti-inflammatory properties) and will
continue to apply ice whenever the itch returns. There were a couple
times this afternoon where the knuckle was warm to my upper lip even
after being iced for a while. That sorta scared me a little but I
figure it's trying to disperse the poison from the bug so of course
it's gonna be warm. I hope icing it isn't bad for it. Heck, I don't
know if NOT icing it might allow it to swell more. That would scare
me a lot more than what it's currently doing.

This is why it /really/ ticks me off when people tell me I overreact
to biting bugs. One would think someone knows when bugs are
attracted to them, and that they'd know even better that the
reactions are a little worse than an average person. Especially
since I don't see /them/ walking around with huge lumps that impede
the usage of a digit. This sort of thing would have renewed the
ancient hostility toward Mother were it not for my being so damned
happy with my life (sans biting insects).

Anywho, other than the swollen itchy grabby-typy thing, the day's
been awesome. I easily fixed three of three problems for my client
(only one of which he had asked me for help on), did the required
shopping, had an awesome din din made of chicken, cream of chicken
soup, and cheese soup... Dale cut up the bell pepper for it on my
whim and it has /made/ the dish. I also relaxed, and oh!! The
potato plants have doubled in size since yesterday!! WOW!! The
peppers still aren't up [enough?] for me to know they're growing, but
5 out of 6 isn't bad for my first attempt at a garden.

At dinner, I spread some catnip on Sinclair's toy and Dale and I had
fun giggling as the little fuzzy went ballistic over it. Silly

Well, finger's driving me nuts a bit quicker than it had been, so I'd
better get more ice and let it sit still for a while. At least I /
can/ type still...


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