

Peaches LIVES!!!!!

I thought for sure she was dying on me and was surprised when she
lasted another week. She slept that long and wobbled around with her
eyes squeezed shut and she was cold and looked stiff. But she kept
eating and drinking and when I looked in on her tonight she had both
eyes open wide and bright, looking for food. I gave her some more
(her appetite appeared out of nowhere), she nibbled, and wandered
around looking like she wanted out.

So, Peaches is now in the bathroom wandering around on the floor.
Sinclair of course is sitting just outside wishing the crack under
the door was large enough for him to get one teensy claw under, but,
no such luck for him. Mwah hah hah. Peaches is happy and safe. I'm
so glad she's enjoying another romp in there. Now I feel almost
guilty for not taking her to the vet. Maybe she had pneumonia or
something that could have been cleared up quicker with antibiotics!
But no, I won't go there. She is old, and I won't kid myself about
it. So I did right by not inflicting that kind of stress on the
little bugger. Kept her warm, gave her some fresh air, made sure her
bedding was clean, talked to her... it was enough.

Anywho, just had to share that news.

In other newses, we planted some flowers and things out front.
AND!! The POTATOES finally came up today!!!!!!! W00T!! Now all
that's left to show themselves are the peppers. And, if they don't
come up, I won't cry about it because I did wrong by them in the
first place by planting too late in the season - and outside to start
with. So if they even bother to come up, I'll be more than excited.
The carrots, onions, spinach, tomatoes, and potatoes are all up,
that's great for my first garden in my book.

I just chomped some sweet stuff on my right side and... no
significant pain from the sweet stuff itself. I'm hoping the filling
worked. Very sensitive to cold still, but I expected that. Here's


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